All posts by Fab

Ep. 04 – Work is where the WiFi is

Ep. 04 – Work is where the WiFi is

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With business doing well, we decided we needed to get away for a bit, and catchup on the backlog of work and deadlines.

Living the digital nomad life meant we could end up in one of a kind cities like El Bolson. We could work hard and relax hard, in a beautiful natural setting, with a great artisanal and handcraft scene.

Our goal was to spend a few days in a cabin, not far from the city center, and get a bit of it all in.

It’s never that simple when you are digital nomads.

Visiting and Marcos Alarcón Ochoa, Co-Creator of Peru Tech

Visiting and Marcos Alarcón Ochoa, Co-Creator of Peru Tech

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We fell in love with Lima and already feel we never want to leave it again.

Waking up in a beautiful street in the bohemian Barranco district we climbed into our Land Rover to meet the first people from the scene. This time it’s all in Spanish. The takeaways:
If you ever need a Co-Working Space in Lima and a place to network with people, we can 100% recommend Residencia, it’s beautiful and has a SLIDE built into the house!! English subtitles soon.

In this interview you’ll meet:

Marcos Alarcón Ochoa
Cocreador de Perú TECH
Marketing y Relaciones públicas en

Visiting and Marcos Alarcón Ochoa, Co-Creator of Peru Tech

Visiting and Marcos Alarcón Ochoa, Co-Creator of Peru Tech

Si te gusta lo que hacemos danos un “me gusta” aca y deja un comentario:

We fell in love with Lima and already feel we never want to leave it again.

Waking up in a beautiful street in the bohemian Barranco district we climbed into our Land Rover to meet the first people from the scene. This time it’s all in Spanish. The takeaways:
If you ever need a Co-Working Space in Lima and a place to network with people, we can 100% recommend Residencia, it’s beautiful and has a SLIDE built into the house!! English subtitles soon.

In this interview you’ll meet:

Marcos Alarcón Ochoa
Cocreador de Perú TECH
Marketing y Relaciones públicas en

Ep. 03: Montevideo – Sinergia, Mate and a Healthy Portion of Anarchy

Ep. 03: Montevideo – Sinergia, Mate and a Healthy Portion of Anarchy

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Numero tres…Vamos.

We took our first road trip to Uruguay, where we came upon the most inspiring co-working space we’ve seen so far.  It was also an office with a pirate flag, where anarchist coders redefined the way business is done.

Montevideo, even though we went there to renew the visa for our rolling office, it was incredibly inspiring!

Next up? We are off to Southern Argentina, to work out of a wood cabin in the hills, struggle with wifi, and do some crazy challenges involving ice cold waterfalls.

In this episode you will meet:

Macarena Botta
Sinergia CoWork Montevideo

Bruno Aguirre & Pablo Astigarraga

Ep. 02: Buenos Aires – Choripan, Co-Working and Words of Wisdom

Ep. 02: Buenos Aires – Choripan, Co-Working and Words of Wisdom

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Numero dos…Here we go.

Some fine Argentine beef (or salad for the vegetarian) and a sprinkle of old man humour, washed down with some beers. We’re just getting started.

In our sophomore episode we talk to some of the people powering up the dynamic Argentine startup scene.

We also get some sage advice from a (different) old guy named Rick.

Things to look out for: Dominic gets profound and Vin destroys it.

Next up? We are off to Montevideo, Uruguay’s unassuming capital…that will blow your mind.

In this episode you will meet:

Gustavo @ Pierpoint

Lisa @ Startup Buenos Aires

Startup Travels

Founder of Ulivi Wealth Management